Rabu, 05 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

Global Forum for Climate Movement: Promoting Green Culture, Innovation and Cooperation “A Call for Action”

M. Amru

Minggu, 19 November 2023 - 12:56 WIB

Muhammadiyah Climate Forum
Muhammadiyah Climate Forum

Thepresidentpost.id - Yogyakarta, Indonesia - To conclude the Global Forum for Climate Movement: Promoting Green Culture, Innovation and Cooperation, Saturday (18/11) at the Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, the Forum conveyed A Call to Action: Promoting Green Culture, Innovation, and Cooperation to tackle climate change challenges. The Call to Action complements the newly-launched Muhammadiyah Climate Center on the first day of Forum on Friday (17/11) as Muhammadiyah’s concrete contribution in the global endeavour to address climate change.

The Call to Action reflects inputs transpired during the meeting into commitments in 4 areas of concrete cooperation, namely nurturing green culture; innovation for climate resilience; strategies, initiatives, legal, and financial framework for adapting to the impacts of climate change; and collaboration approaches for building alliances for a greener future.

To highlight, the Call to Action indicates support to, among others, championing of a faith-based ecological narrative, integrating renewable energy solutions and energy-efficient technologies into hospitals to reduce the carbon footprint of healthcare facilities, integrate sustainable finance mechanisms that support climate adaptation initiatives, and forging partnerships to jointly address environmental challenges.

Closing the Global Forum, the Head of International Relations and Cooperation Muhammadiyah, Syafiq A. Mughni said that "The forum that runs for 2 days provides inspiration, knowledge, motivation to all of us to take action, build a movement to save planet earth from damage." Furthermore, he explained, there were 3 outlines that were discussed at this forum, green culture, innovation, and collaboration.

Meanwhile representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director General for American and European Affairs, H.E. Umar Hadi, underlined in his closing remarks the need to take real actions and empower partnership to address climate change. Director General Umar also stressed that all countries must contribute according to their capacities with more collaboration and partnership to ensure a fair and inclusive allocation of limited resources for climate actions, as well as the importance of a whole-society approach against climate change and its adverse impact.

During the two days meeting, the Forum had national and international speakers and participants, including from Australia, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Singapore, UK, United States, and the Holy See, and representatives of international organisations, such as UNDP and UNESCAP.


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