Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

Minister of Transportation Groundbreaking Construction of LRT Velodrome-Manggarai Route

Nata Kesuma

Rabu, 01 November 2023 - 10:10 WIB

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi representing President Jokowi groundbreaking the construction of LRT Phase 1B on the Velodrome-Manggarai route, Monday (30/10/2023), (Photo: Regency Secretariat Public Relations/Rahmat)
Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi representing President Jokowi groundbreaking the construction of LRT Phase 1B on the Velodrome-Manggarai route, Monday (30/10/2023), (Photo: Regency Secretariat Public Relations/Rahmat)
A A A - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi representing Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) laid the first stone or groundbreaking for the construction of the Phase 1B Integrated Highway (LRT) on the Velodrome-Manggarai route, Monday (30/10/2023), in the Velodrome area, Jakarta East.

"By saying bismillahirrahmanirahim, today I officially declare that the groundbreaking of the LRT (Light Rail Transit) Phase 1B Manggarai Project has begun," said the Minister of Transportation.

On that occasion, Budi also expressed his appreciation to the regional government (Pemda) for paying attention to the development of urban mass transportation.

"Jakarta is a city that is a  pattern , a model for cities in Indonesia. "The good intentions of the regional government are highly appreciated because with the budget from the regional government itself, initiation from the regional government itself, producing urban transportation will be an example for other provinces," he said.

The Minister of Transportation also emphasized President Jokowi's direction regarding the importance of urban mass transportation, not only to reduce traffic jams but also to open up jobs and trigger economic movement.

"We were talking earlier that with this coming to Manggarai, the integration of MRT, LRT, KRL, even high-speed trains will be better integrated. "So, residents can use it properly," he said.

Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation also emphasized the importance of connectivity or integration between transportation modes so as to facilitate people's mobility.

“It has to be a more thorough plan. "Say, if you stop at Pramuka Market, intermodal transportation must be prepared to go to other places," said the Minister of Transportation.

Closing his remarks, the Minister of Transportation invited the public to switch to mass transportation.

"I once again appreciate and urge the public to switch to mass transportation, because with mass transportation the environment will certainly be good, and also traffic jams and even financial losses will disappear," he said.

On the same occasion, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono expressed his thanks to the central government through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) so that construction of LRT Phase 1B could begin.

"The key factor in encouraging people to use public transportation is convenience and comfort. "For this reason, I request that the LRT phase 1B construction be completed according to the stipulated time," said Heru

LRT Jakarta Phase 1B has a line spanning 6.4 kilometers and has five stations, namely Rawamangun Pemuda Station, Pramuka BPKP Station, Pramuka Market Station, Matraman Station and Manggarai Station. Meanwhile, LRT Phase 1A which is already operating has six stations, namely Pegangsaan Dua Station, North Boulevard Station, South Boulevard Station, Pulomas Station, Equestrian Station and Velodrome Station. So the total length of the line from Pegangsaan Dua Station (Kelapa Gading) to Manggarai Station will be 12.2 kilometers, with a travel time of around 26 minutes.

It is targeted that the construction of the LRT line from the Velodrome to Pramuka will be completed in September 2024. Meanwhile, the LRT line to Manggarai is targeted to start operating in 2026. (KS/UN)


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