Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

# mrt

National 18/12/2023 09:30 WIB

Meeting PM Kishida, President Jokowi discusses bilateral issues including Palestine

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a bilateral meeting with Japanese Prime Minister (PM) Fumio Kishida, Saturday (16/12/2023), at the Japanese PM's Office, Tokyo. During the meeting, President…

Business 01/11/2023 10:10 WIB

Minister of Transportation Groundbreaking Construction of LRT Velodrome-Manggarai Route

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi representing Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) laid the first stone or groundbreaking for the construction of the Phase 1B Integrated…

Economy 15/08/2023 14:14 WIB

President Jokowi Invites ASEAN Ambassadors on the MRT on ASEAN’s 56th Anniversary

Indonesian President Joko Widodo invited the ambassadors of ASEAN countries and partners to ride on the MRT during the commemoration of the 56th ASEAN Anniversary, commonly known as ASEAN DAY (8/8). President…

Travel 08/08/2023 12:33 WIB

ASEAN Ambassadors Share Experience Using MRT Jakarta

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on the 56th anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Tuesday (08/08) invited several ASEAN ambassadors and partner countries to experience…

Science & Tech 15/10/2020 20:05 WIB

Terhubung Langsung Stasiun MRT, Core Cipete Bakal jadi Pilihan Terbaik Generasi Millenial

Sebagai produk terbaru dari Bintaro Jaya High Rise, Core Cipete adalah sebuah inovasi dari JRP yang dibangun dengan menyesuaikan kebutuhan generasi millennials dan juga perkembangan zaman.