Sabtu, 01 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

In Jababeka Eco Summit 2023, Jababeka Declares Commitment to Become Net Zero Industrial Cluster 2050

Nata Kesuma

Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2023 - 10:00 WIB

Jababeka Eco Summit 2023
Jababeka Eco Summit 2023
A A A - BANDUNG – Climate change in all countries in the world has become a major focus for governments even to all parts of the world. This has become a global issue and affects the world economy so many countries are aware of the need for change. This is also the case in Indonesia.

The Indonesian government itself has declared to achieve Net Zero by 2060 and continues to strive to reduce carbon emissions to overcome the problem of climate change.

In line with the government’s target, Jababeka takes part in climate change – as well as in reducing air pollution. Jababeka itself declared its commitment to become Net Zero Industrial Cluster 2050 on the B20 agenda in Bali last year with Pertamina and Co-Signatory Tenants, namely L’oreal, Unilever, and Hitachi Astemo. Not only that, in early 2023, Jababeka also invites tenants to join the Jababeka Net Zero Forum to find joint solutions in decarbonization.

After conducting regular socialization after forming the forum, Jababeka Industrial Estate has increasingly strengthened its steps towards a Carbon Neutral Industrial Estate 2050. Right at the end of August 2023, Jababeka held a declaration with tenants who have set a commitment to be part of the forum which is now referred to as Jababeka Cikarang – Net Zero Industrial Cluster Community (JC-NZICC) through an event entitled “Jababeka Eco Summit 2023”.

Jababeka Eco Summit itself is the climax of a series of events starting from July 25 in the form of a hybrid Focus Group Discussion. The series continued with Sustainability Action in the form of Mangrove Planting which is Jababeka’s annual agenda, Jababeka Ecoweek and was held on August 3.

Jababeka Eco Summit was opened by Tjahjadi Rahardja as Vice President Director of PT Jababeka Tbk., and Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya represented by Wawan Gunawan Head of Sub-Directorate of Climate Change Resources Support of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).

“The Indonesian government has declared to be net-zero emission by 2060, but Jababeka with the help of tenants wants to try net-zero emission in 2050. Ten years faster than the government’s target,” Tjahjadi said in his speech at Ballroom, Mason Pine Hotel, Bandung, Thursday (31/08/2023).

In addition to the ceremonial formation of JC-NZICC members, Jababeka also launched the NZICC Website as a forum for information related to the development of net zero with address

Not only the declaration, Jababeka Eco Summit also presents expertise in its field as an illustration of how to deal with issues related to Net Zero and solutions to deal with them. This session was divided into three, namely the Talk Show session with the theme “Participation of Industrial Players to Actively Resolve Waste Management Crises in Bekasi Regency” which was filled by Edward Nixon Pakpahan from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Cynthia Hendrayani COO of PT Jababeka Infrastuktur – as the manager of the Jababeka Industrial Estate, Resmiani Head of Environmental Pollution Control DLH West Java, and Imam Zulkarnain from PT Prasadha Pamunah Industrial Waste.

The next session was the Sustainability Conference 1st Session with the theme “Sustainability-Linked Financial Incentive to Support Decarbonization and Sustainable Projects in Industry” which was filled by Sri Gadis Pari Bekti Director of Inustri Regional Directorate General of KPAII, Herman Supriadi from the Ministry of Industry, Aditia Brata from PT Solarion Energi Alam, and Poppy Irmasari from PT Bank Negara Indonesia.

The third session was the Sustainability Conference 2nd Session with the theme “Value in integrating ESG as part of Corporate Strategy” with the session speakers being Wendy Martedi from Pertamina New &; Renewable Energy and Mellisa Kusuma and Andy Santoso from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Indonesia.

The last session was closed by presenting awards to contributors from Sustainability Action, Mangrove Planting to 14 companies that have joined the 50,000 mangrove planting program in Muara Gembong, namely PT Mattel, PT KAO, PT Nippon Steel, PT Fukoku Tokai, PT System Indonesia, PT Hanes Supply, PT STEP, PT Hitachi Astemo, PT Piaggio Indonesia, PT Sasa Inti, PT Dexa Medica, PT Komatsu Undercarriage Indonesia, PT Padang Golf Cikarang, and PT Bima Adi Karya.

The award was given directly by Tjahjadi Rahardja from Jababeka and PJ Regent of Bekasi Regency, Dani Ramdan. The event continued with the signing of a collaboration between Jababeka and Everbright for the Integrated Waste Treatment For Industrial & Municipal Waste project as a form of Jababeka’s commitment in the sustainability program which was also witnessed by PJ Regent of Bekasi Regency, Dani Ramdan.


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