Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) A Threat to Human Jobs?

Nata Kesuma

Kamis, 09 Maret 2023 - 19:59 WIB

the spotlight is artificial intelligence (AI)
the spotlight is artificial intelligence (AI)
A A A - Jakarta, March 9 2023. The rapid modernization and digitization are increasingly felt in the post- pandemic era. What was once impossible, just a fantasy and imagination, now becomes a reality.

An example that is currently in the spotlight is artificial intelligence (AI), which can assist in various activities and tasks. Several giant technology companies have implemented AI capabilities to assist their work such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, Meta (Facebook). This is done by these companies to increase effectiveness and efficiency, and to minimize the possibility of human error.

According to Yohan Limerta, CTO and Co-Founder of Cakap, he explained that as a technology company, they are highly adaptive to various technologies that can make performance more productive, including AI. However, to make this technology replace human functions, there are still many other elements in data processing that cannot be replaced.

"In essence, every human being has different perspectives, ideologies, and understandings in receiving information and every human being also has different decision-making in determining what is right and wrong. I see that artificial intelligence will become one of the tools that are very helpful in decision making or idea development," stated Yohan.

One of the AI technologies currently being widely discussed is ChatGPT, which is a product of the American company OpenAI. The intelligence offered is in the form of a chatbot that can perform various tasks, ranging from writing various texts/copywriting (speeches, letters) to translation and proofreading.

However, questions arise as to whether the results produced by AI can be relied upon, and whether AI products can replace the roles of various professions performed by humans.

Julian Rinaldi, a copywriter at Cakap, said that the phenomenon of using AI is like a double- edged sword. On the one hand, it can be a new competitor that offers speed and accuracy, but on the other hand, it can also be a very useful tool in supporting work.

"If you ask me whether I feel threatened by it, for now, I don't. Although it offers speed, AI seems to remove the emotional element that is usually filled by a copywriter in every piece of writing produced. Ultimately, AI should not be a threat, but rather can be used to help a copywriter in the future," said Julian.

From an education and linguistic perspective, a number of English language teachers at Cakap express concerns about the increasing popularity of AI, which can be understood but does not need to be overreacted to. "When the Industrial Revolution began in 1760, humans were introduced to machines. As a result, the economy grew. It's not always a bad thing," said Putri Maharani, an English teacher at Cakap.

Apart from the issues outlined above, there is also a technical issue, which is the fact that ChatGPT/OpenAI has not been registered as an Electronic System Provider of Indonesia's Ministry of Communication and Informatics. According to Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation, regarding Private Electronic System Providers that regulates all Electronic System Providers (ESPs), it is mandatory for ESPs (including OpenAI/ChatGPT) to register their products in order to continue to be able to access or develop their services in Indonesia.

If they continue to operate without being registered with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, the heaviest penalty will be the AI operation that has been running, which will be blocked in Indonesia.

With all the concerns raised by users and workers who are closely related to the work done by AI, it can be concluded that there is still much to be developed in terms of technical aspects and the improvement of the system functions on the AI side. However, it is also a fact that as the development of time advances, it demands change.

As humans, it is our duty to continue to hone our skills, keep learning, and never stop upskilling. Thus, the role and contribution we provide cannot be replaced, even by AI.



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