Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

# transportation

Business 19/12/2024 14:17 WIB

Jababeka and PT Commuter Anak Bangsa Inaugurates a New Transportation Service in Jababeka City

PT Jababeka Tbk together with the Bekasi Regency Government Transportation Office and PT Commuter Anak Bangsa introduced the latest transportation service that will improve the quality of mobility in…

Business 01/11/2023 10:10 WIB

Minister of Transportation Groundbreaking Construction of LRT Velodrome-Manggarai Route

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi representing Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) laid the first stone or groundbreaking for the construction of the Phase 1B Integrated…

National 13/06/2023 13:34 WIB

Jakarta promotes EV use to check pollution

The Jakarta provincial government is encouraging the use of electric vehicles (EVs) in the capital city so that the worsening air pollution recorded of late can be reduced.

Business 06/04/2023 20:39 WIB

Government Launches Incentives to Purchase Four-Wheel Electric Vehicles and Buses

The government is committed to accelerating economic transformation through value added tax (VAT) incentives for purchasing four-wheeled electric vehicles and buses. 

Business 29/03/2023 13:05 WIB

Indonesia-Sweden Cooperation on Sustainability Featured as Success Story at Sweden Innovation Days

Indonesia strives to increase the productivity and competitiveness of various national strategic industries.

National 27/03/2023 14:15 WIB

To Anticipate Traffic Congestion, the Government Will Implement Measurable Traffic Engineering

The Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said that his ministry in collaboration with the Indonesian Police Traffic Corps (Korlantas) and Jasa Marga would implement a more measurable…

Business 27/11/2020 11:01 WIB

Luar Biasa Tajir! China Borong Batubara Indonesia Seharga Rp 20,6 Triliun

Realisasi penjualan batu bara Indonesia dipastikan bakal mendapatkan rapor hijau dalam waktu tiga tahun mendatang. Hal ini menyusul komitmen para importir China yang menyetujui pembelian batu bara Indonesia…