Senin, 03 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

Vice Foreign Minister Highlights Importance of Digital Transformation in Electronic-Based Government System

Nata Kesuma

Kamis, 18 Januari 2024 - 09:50 WIB

 Pahala Nugraha Mansury
Pahala Nugraha Mansury
A A A - ​Jakarta, Indonesia - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a talk show with the theme "Towards an Impactful, Integrated, and Data-Based Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE)" (15/01). The event, which was opened by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, featured speakers Assistant deputy for Policy Formulation and Coordination of SPBE Implementation, Ministry of State Apparatus Utilisation and Bureaucratic Reform and Chief Data and Governance Officer Satu Data Indonesia, The Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency and was attended by participants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Indonesian Missions. This event was held as an effort to strengthen diplomacy infrastructure and improve the performance of the Ministry and Missions.

In his opening remarks, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Pahala Nugraha Mansury mentioned the era of digital transformation that is happening and affecting "the way we do business", including in the government sector with the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) policy. SPBE is expected to transform the traditional bureaucracy into a more efficient and transparent bureaucracy with increased public participation. This is in accordance with the 4+1 Diplomacy priorities set by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where one aspect of this diplomacy is strengthening diplomacy infrastructure through the utilisation of information and communication technology (ICT) services to improve the performance of Ministries and Representatives.

The Vice Minister conveyed the President's directive in the cabinet meeting on 9 January 2024 at the State Palace, that SPBE must be implemented successfully to improve service quality, efficiency, and transparency of public services. Interoperability and avoiding duplication, by utilising the same User ID and combining existing platforms were also highlighted in the President's directive.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has developed more than 80 applications to support performance, both in the form of government to government (G2G), government to community (G2C), and government to employees (G2E) services. Based on the SPBE Evaluation Results in 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a good predicate.

The Vice Minister highlighted four important things in order to achieve an electronic-based government system for the Foreign Ministry that is impactful, integrated and data-driven, which are efficient application integration, improving service quality, ensuring interoperability, and strengthening data security.  Meanwhile, three important things that need to be improved are people, process and technology.

The improvement and success of SPBE is a collective responsibility of all stakeholders, so the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs expects collaboration, synergy and support from various parties.  The Vice Minister also expects all of us to jointly think of concrete steps that can be taken to improve the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' SPBE to support the vision of a Golden Indonesia.


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