The Consulate General of Indonesia in Vancouver Receives the Integrity Zone Award for a Corruption-Free Region (WBK) in 2023
M. Amru
Jumat, 08 Desember 2023 - 11:48 WIB - Bali, Indonesia - The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Vancouver has achieved the Integrity Zone (ZI) Towards a Corruption-Free Region (WBK) Award 2023. The award was presented by the Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform, Abdullah Azwar Anas, to the Indonesian Consulate General in Vancouver, represented by the Secretary of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Azis Nurwahyudi, at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (06/12).
The Indonesian Consul General to Vancouver, Hendra Halim, expressed his gratitude for the extraordinary support from the community, partners, and all parties who contributed to achieving this Integrity Zone. "This achievement is the result of hard work and collaboration from all parties. We are committed to continuously improving service standards and involving the community in every step we take," said the Consul General.
The Consulate General of Vancouver is one of the 109 units in the country, including the Directorate of the Protection of Indonesian Citizens Abroad (PWNI), which received the Integrity Zone Award Towards WBK/WBBM this year. This award reflects the commitment of the Consulate General of Vancouver to maintain integrity, transparency, and accountable services for the public. The Integrity Zone is also a recognition of the efforts of the Consulate General of Vancouver in implementing good governance practices, combating corruption, and providing quality public services. With this achievement, the Consulate General of Vancouver became part of the government institutions actively contributing to creating a corruption-free environment.
Since the beginning of 2023, the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Vancouver and staff have signed the Integrity Pact commitment to building an Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption-Free Region with the spirit of M.A.P.L.E (Serving Accountably, Professionally, Smoothly, and Efficiently), which is the motto of the Consulate General of Vancouver in providing services to the community. The Consulate General of Vancouver is committed to strengthening good governance practices, expanding community engagement, and making a positive contribution to regional development. The staff and leadership of the Consulate General of Vancouver will continue to uphold integrity and responsibility as the main foundation in maintaining and strengthening public trust in Indonesian government institutions abroad, especially on the west coast of Canada.
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