Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

Launch of APO Productivity Databook 2023

M. Amru

Kamis, 07 Desember 2023 - 07:31 WIB

Launch of APO Productivity Databook 2023
Launch of APO Productivity Databook 2023
A A A - The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) released the APO Productivity Databook 2023, an annual publication that provides an extensive compilation of productivity statistics and trends in the Asia-Pacific. It offers detailed analyses of productivity and economic growth patterns, helping stakeholders understand the current landscape and make informed decisions. The databook's rigorous methodology and data collection standards ensure its reputation as a reliable resource for anyone interested in the economic progress of Asian countries.

Essential for data-driven decision-making, the APO Productivity Databook assists policymakers, business leaders, and researchers in economic planning, benchmarking national productivity against regional and global standards, and identifying growth opportunities and challenges.

Key Highlights of the APO Productivity Databook 2023

• Twenty-one APO member profiles and five regional profiles with productivity indicators.

• Introduces new methodologies, such as capitalization of mineral and energy resources (MER) and improved estimates of land stock and labor quality.

• Economic Growth Trends: From 2015 to 2021, Asia31’s (21 APO members and 10 nonmembers) economy grew annually by 4%. In 2021, they accounted for 48% of the global economy, compared with the USA (16%) and EU27 (14%). Projections for 2030 indicate Asia’s global economic share increasing to 53%.

• Sector-specific Analyses: Despite diversification efforts, agriculture, forestry, and fishery still dominated employment in Asia in 2021, accounting for 30% of jobs. Meanwhile, manufacturing emerged as a significant sector, comprising over 20% of total value added in 12 Asian countries.


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