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Intellectual Property Drives Technological Innovation to Address Climate Change

Nata Kesuma

Kamis, 30 November 2023 - 08:45 WIB

Intellectual Property Drives Technological Innovation to Address Climate Change
Intellectual Property Drives Technological Innovation to Address Climate Change
A A A - Geneva, Switzerland - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Permanent Representation of Indonesia (PTRI) to the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and Other International Organizations in Geneva, in collaboration with the representatives of MIKTA countries and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), organised a MIKTA Side Event with the theme “Intellectual Property and Climate Change: Opportunities and Challenges” on the sidelines of the 31st Session of the WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) in Geneva, on Monday (27/11).

The side event was held as ​a seminar which featured speakers from WIPO and the MIKTA countries, a partnership forum for development cooperation with Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey, and Australia as its members. The speakers highlighted the nexus between intellectual property and climate change action based on their respective experiences and perspectives.

Ambassador Febrian A. Ruddyard, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, WTO, and Other International Organizations in Geneva, stated that climate change is not merely an environmental issue but a cross-cutting issue that requires the role of intellectual property to address the impacts of climate change. The discussions in the side event were expected to be not only informative but also inspirational and serve as a catalyst for the formation of effective cooperation and collaboration.

The Director General of Multilateral Cooperation, Ambassador Tri Tharyat, in his opening remarks, highlighted the opportunities for intellectual property in addressing climate change challenges. He emphasised the importance of balancing the strengthening of technological innovation through the intellectual property system with the ability of the wider community to access such innovations. This can be achieved through inclusive, equitable, and sustainable collaboration among stakeholders, as well as the advancement of environmentally friendly technology transfer.

Moderated by the Director of Trade, Industry, Commodities, and Intellectual Property, Ditya Agung Nurdianto, the side event also noted the role of WIPO Green in the cooperation for green technology development, including the Greentech and Cleantech programs, which countries can utilise for more effective handling of climate change.

Various exchanges of ideas, experiences, and best practices among MIKTA countries were presented in the discussion to create an environment supportive of the harmonious coexistence of intellectual property and the climate change mitigation and adaptation agenda.

In the closing session, participants shared a common concern that strengthening the global intellectual property system can drive technological innovations that contribute to the preservation of the environment for future generations.


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