Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

Government Provides Regional Fiscal Incentives to Control Inflation


Selasa, 07 November 2023 - 15:45 WIB

 Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani and Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian symbolically provided fiscal incentives for regions that were able to control inflation in the 3rd period, (Photo: Ministry of Finance Public Relations)
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani and Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian symbolically provided fiscal incentives for regions that were able to control inflation in the 3rd period, (Photo: Ministry of Finance Public Relations)
A A A - The government is again providing fiscal incentives for regional governments that are able to control inflation. 

In the 3rd period in 2023, intensive care was provided to 34 regional governments consisting of 3 provinces, 6 cities and 25 districts with a total budget of IDR 340 billion.

The fiscal incentive was symbolically given by the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati together with the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian at the Regional Inflation Control Meeting and the Presentation of the Current Year Fiscal Incentive Award for Stage III Inflation Control, at the Ministry of Home Affairs Office, Jakarta, Monday (06/11/2023).

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian hopes that this intensive provision can strengthen the movement and motivate regional governments to continue to control inflation.

"[This incentive] means a lot to colleagues, and please help others who can work to get prizes," said Tito.

Meanwhile, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani hopes that regional government leaders will use this fiscal intensive to support performance improvements.

"If the performance is good, it's not just ladies and gentlemen who are cool, the area is cool, the people are also very appreciative. "So this is ultimately to improve public trust and confidence that the state is present and the state is present, represented by ladies and gentlemen," said the Minister of Finance.

Fiscal incentives to control regional inflation in the third period of the 2023 Fiscal Year are provided based on Decree of the Minister of Finance (KMK) Number 400 of 2023. Regions are assessed based on a number of categories, including, among others, implementation of efforts to control inflation, compliance in submitting daily reports, stability of food prices measured through the price control index, and accelerated realization of spending specifically to support inflation control activities in the regions.

"We certainly hope that the incentive allocation will continue to be used by ladies and gentlemen to continue to improve the performance of these regions, in dealing with inflation, dealing with stunting , dealing with extreme poverty, and continuing to use the APBD for domestic products or MSMEs in around ladies and gentlemen," said the Minister of Finance.

Previously, incentives amounting to IDR 330 billion were given to 24 districts, 6 cities and 3 provinces that were successful in controlling inflation in the second period. Meanwhile, in the first period, incentives amounting to IDR 330 billion were given to 24 districts, 6 cities and 3 provinces.

In each period, there are different regions that receive incentives for performance categories in the context of controlling regional inflation. According to the Minister of Finance, this is a sign that the competition between each region to be able to achieve success in controlling inflation is going well.

"Collaborative work between the government and regional governments in controlling inflation needs to continue to be improved, especially in efforts to face global risks and uncertainties at the end of 2023 and 2024," said Sri Mulyani.

It is hoped that fiscal incentives can further encourage local governments to consistently accelerate the realization of spending, boost the use of domestic products, maintain price stability and availability of supplies of goods. 

That way, economic activity in the region can be more vigorous. This transfer policy to regions is also one of the government's policies in optimizing the performance of the APBN as a shock absorber . (Public Relations of the Ministry of Home Affairs/Public Relations of the Ministry of Finance/UN)


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