Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

The Government Immediately Announces the Latest Grain HPP

M. Shaqeel

Kamis, 09 Maret 2023 - 22:45 WIB

President Jokowi accompanied by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo witness the rice harvest, in Kebumen, Central Java Province, Thursday (09/03/2023).
President Jokowi accompanied by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo witness the rice harvest, in Kebumen, Central Java Province, Thursday (09/03/2023).
A A A - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that currently the government is calculating the government cost price (HPP) for grain and rice following the decline in harvested dry unhusked rice (GKP) prices in line with the main harvest being carried out in a number of regions in the country.

This was conveyed by President Joko Widodo after witnessing the rice harvest, in Kebumen, Central Java Province, Thursday (09/03/2023).

"In many provinces, it's just the harvest season. And, earlier I asked the farmers directly that the GKP (harvest dry grain) fell to Rp. 4,200, indeed too low. So the government is currently calculating and the National Food Agency will soon announce the GKP price, "said the President.

The President said that in setting the price, the government pays attention to the cost of each production component, starting from land rent, fertilizer, and others.

"We have cost calculations in each component of rice production, everything has been seen, both regarding land rent, fertilizer, seeds, and others, have been met," he said.

With these calculations, the President expects prices at the level of farmers, traders and consumers to be in a reasonable position.

"We hope that the price of grain from farmers is reasonable, the price of rice from traders is reasonable, the price of buying rice by the public is also in a reasonable position. Everyone benefits and benefits from the calculation," he said.

Regarding the availability of fertilizers which farmers often complain about, the Head of State said that the government continues to make efforts to encourage domestic fertilizer production while reducing dependence on imported products.

"We know that the national need for fertilizer is approximately 13 million tons. Our fertilizer industry factories produce only 3.5 million tons, and yesterday we added 570 thousand tons at Pupuk Iskandar Muda, there is an addition," he said.

The President also acknowledged that there were obstacles in the global fertilizer supply chain which were triggered by the war between Russia and Ukraine.

“Indeed, we still lack fertilizer. This is what we will work on soon. But we also all have to know where the raw materials and fertilizer production are, this is just a war, that's Russia and Ukraine," he said.


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