Kasane, Botswana - The UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Convention Committee has declared Jamu Wellness Culture as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage on (6/12). Jamu Wellness Culture became…
Paris, France – Indonesian has successfully been designated as the official language of the UNESCO General Conference. This decision was marked by the adoption of Resolution 42 C/28 by consensus…
Paris, France - Indonesia has been elected as a member of the UNESCO Executive Board for the 2023-2027 period in an election that took place at the 42nd UNESCO General Conference at UNESCO Headquarters…
Director General of Multilateral Cooperation, Tri Tharyat, received a certificate of designation of Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta and its Historic Landmarks as a UNESCO World Heritage on 20 October…
Sidang UNESCO sesi ke - 15 Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage di Paris, Prancis, pada 17 Desember 2020, menetapkan tradisi Pantun sebagai Warisan…
Bunaken Tangkoko Minahasa resmi diakui oleh UNESCO sebagai UNESCO Biosphere Reserves atau Cagar Biosfir UNESCO. Ketua DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti mendukung agar pariwisata di Sulawesi Utara (Sulut)…