Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

# serpong

Business 03/11/2023 16:10 WIB

VAST Plans New Warehouse Expansion in the Jabodetabek Area

Seasoned warehouse property developer with more than 10 years of experience, PT Vastland Indonesia Tbk (IDX: VAST), plans to take advantage of the momentum of recovering demand for warehousing in the…

Business 18/03/2023 09:35 WIB

ASLC Actively Expand by Opening Many Showroom and Offering Attractive Guarantees

PT Autopedia Sukses Lestari Tbk (ASLC), a listed company engaged in omnichannel automotive marketplace with the auction business ( and retail sales of new and used cars (Online to Offline/O2O)…

Science & Tech 09/10/2020 14:39 WIB

Tol Serpong-Balaraja Dukung Sektor Logistik di Barat Jakarta

Jalan tol Serpong - Balaraja direncanakan memiliki 8 Simpang Susun (SS) yang bisa menjadi akses baru dari Serpong hingga Balaraja yakni SS CBD, SS Industri, SS Legok, SS Mekar Jaya, SS Pasir Barat, SS…