Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

# opt

World 19/02/2024 17:21 WIB

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Supreme Court Optimize Digitalization of Cross-border Civil Legal Assistance Services

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Supreme Court have signed 5 (five) Cooperation Agreements derived from the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two parties Number 02/KMA/NK/IV/2023 -…

Business 17/02/2024 11:37 WIB

Minister of Industry Agus Optimistic 2024 Indonesia's Manufacturing Industry Exports Reach USD193.4 Billion

The non-oil and gas processing industry is still a leading sector in contributing to the achievement of national export performance. So far, the contribution of shipments of manufactured products remains…

Business 29/11/2023 08:03 WIB

Huawei Holds Optix Club 2023, Launching New F5G Products and Solutions

Global ICT provider Huawei organized its flagship OptiX Club 2023, bringing theme revolving around optical connectivity and digital sustainability: F5G Evolution Unleashing Green Digital. This annual…

Science & Tech 21/11/2023 21:46 WIB

Optimizing Indonesia's Diplomatic Performance in Africa: Indonesian Embassy Synergizes with Indonesian Honorary Consul

Windhoek, Namibia - In an effort to support the achievements of Indonesian diplomacy in the African Region, Advisor to the Minister on Management, Acep Somantri, encourages synergy between the Indonesian…

Business 10/11/2023 08:30 WIB

Net Profit Increases, TRIS Distributes Interim Dividends

The Trisula Group, which is controlled by PT Trisula International Tbk (TRIS), a publicly listed company in the textile and garment sector is planning to distribute dividends.

Travel 02/05/2023 07:05 WIB

Qatar Airways Welcomes Passengers to the New Al Mourjan Business Lounge – The Garden

DOHA, Qatar – The World’s Best Airline has opened the new Al Mourjan Business Lounge at Hamad International Airport (HIA) named ‘The Garden’.

Sport 16/04/2023 16:30 WIB

KYZN Kuningan Offers Free Classes and Launches KYZONE to Promote Healthy Lifestyles

KYZN Kuningan is the upcoming premier sports and fitness center in Kuningan, Jakarta, dedicated to providing exceptional services and facilities to its members.

Entertainment 16/01/2021 10:30 WIB

Upaya Optimal Bupati Walikota Majukan Kebudayaan Daerah

Tim Juri Anugerah Kebudayaan PWI Pusat yang diketuai oleh akademisi, pelaku seni - budaya Nungki Kusumastuti, akhirnya berhasil menetapkan 10 penerima Anugerah Kebudayaan PWI Pusat 2021, dalam rangka…

Business 15/01/2021 16:50 WIB

Amankan Produksi Pangan, Kementan Masifkan Penggunaan Agens Pengendali Hayati

Maraknya serangan Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan (OPT) seperti hama dan penyakit berpotensi menurunkan hasil produksi pangan bahkan gagal panen (puso). Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan) melalui Direktorat…

Business 07/01/2021 22:20 WIB

Petani Kalbar Manfaatkan Agens Hayati, Solusi Pengendalian OPT Ramah Lingkungan

Pemanfaatan agens hayati sebagai teknologi pengendalian Organisme Penggangu Tumbuhan (OPT) ramah lingkungan yang juga merupakan bagian dari konsep pertanian secara berkelanjutan (sustainable agriculture)…