Selasa, 04 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

# emma

Business 29/05/2023 14:32 WIB

New Energy Electric Vehicles in Gangbei District of Guigang City Enters the ASEAN "Blue Ocean" Market

Recently, Guangxi Guigang Fushuai Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. and PT. DFU INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA signed the first batch of directional purchase contracts for 20,000 new energy electric vehicles in Jakarta,…

National 31/10/2020 08:02 WIB

Surat Terbuka Presiden PKS untuk Presiden Prancis: Kutuk Keras Provokasi Agama

Presiden PKS Ahmad Syaikhu mengirim surat terbuka kepada Presiden Prancis Emmanuel Macron yang dikirimkan melalui Kedubes Prancis di Jakarta, Jumat (30/10/2020).